Monday, February 13, 2012

Beauty Tips| Can you get hooked on Lip Balm?

                  Its not an addiction in the true medical sense, but yes, you can train your body to rely on lip balm. Here’s what happens: When your lips start to feel dry or get flaky, they send signal to a deeper layer of skin to produce fresh, plump skin cells. But when you put on lip balm, you slow down the signal because you’re creating a barrier layer that prevents the evaporation of more moisture, so the basal layer never gets the signal to produce new cells. When the lip balm wears off, all of a sudden your lips dry out again and your basal layer has to hurry up and start producing your lips  feel dry, you add more lip balm, which once again tells the basal layer, hey we don’t need any more skin cells. And the cycle repeats.